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Identifying and treating sexual problems for women

An enjoyable sex life is a healthy and natural part of adulthood. However, most women have gone through periods when we either lose our desire or find intercourse uncomfortable.

There are many reasons for sexual problems—stress or lack of energy from our packed lives are the most common causes, although certainly not the only one. If sexual concerns are creating distress for you and your partner, try not to feel embarrassed and seek help from your doctor. Many successful therapies are available.

Common sexual problems

It is important to determine whether your sexual problems are of recent origin or whether they have always been present to some degree. This may help to identify potential causes that will, in turn, lead to the right solutions; some common complaints are:

Lack of desire

This is the most common sexual complaint in women and usually has a number of factors affecting it; consider the following:

Inability to achieve orgasm

Only about 40 per cent of women reach orgasm during intercourse. Most women require additional stimulation. The following tips can help get you on the right track:

Discomfort or pain

Always talk to your doctor if sexual activity is causing discomfort or pain. Yeast or bladder infections can be at the root of discomfort as can a small pelvis. Menopause may result in decreased lubrication and vaginal dryness. Your doctor may recommend a lubricating gel or medication.

Sex is an important part of a full and rich life at all stages of adulthood. If something is preventing you from enjoying a fulfilling sex life, seek out further information or medical advice. You owe it to yourself.

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