Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Five tips for coping with bad news from around the world

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the bad news you read about online and hear about on the radio and television?  Round-the-clock news has never been so easy to access as it is today. It’s important to be informed, but being exposed to so much bad news isn’t good for your mental health. Prayer candles

Research shows that people who are exposed to negative news, even when it doesn’t directly impact them, can develop symptoms of psychological stress. Are you finding yourself sad or anxious about all the tragedies you hear and read about? Fortunately, there are things you can do to lessen their impact.

Tips for constructively dealing with bad news

Try to keep bad news in perspective and balance it with uplifting, inspirational stories. You have control over how much bad news you digest in a day, so try not to focus only on the bad. When you feel impassioned by a story or a particular cause, ask if there’s anything you can do to help – then take action.

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