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Four pillars of mental fitness

We all know the importance of physical fitness in keeping us healthy and vibrant throughout our lives. What we may not know is that mental fitness is equally important. In fact, the two are intertwined. Neglecting our mental health can make us less resilient to life’s ups and downs, leaving us more likely to make poor lifestyle choices. We can only achieve mental fitness if our bodies are functioning well.

What is mental fitness?

Just as there are four components to physical fitness  ̶  cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility and a healthy weight  ̶  there are four components to mental fitness. These are:

  1. Emotional. This includes self-acceptance, self-esteem, resilience and the ability to manage strong emotions.
  2. Social. Friends are important because they bring companionship, support and enrichment to our lives. According to the Mayo Clinic, people who have friends are generally physically and emotionally healthier and enjoy a better quality of life.
  3. Financial. According to a 2016 study, 40 percent of us experience stress due to money issues, often enough to negatively affect our work and relationships. Financial wellness is not about having a certain amount of money at our disposal, it’s about feeling in control of our finances, being able to handle financial setbacks, and being on track to achieve our financial and life goals.
  4. Physical. Mental and physical fitness and health are intertwined. We can improve both through a healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. We can also reduce our risks of developing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and depression.

Taking steps to build our mental fitness enhances our ability to cope with stress and improves our physical health, our productivity at work, our relationships, and our overall happiness. For resources and more information on mental fitness, contact us.

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