Your Employee Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Living with mental illness

Student thinking while studying

Thanks to dramatic changes in attitude over the past 20 years, more and more people are realizing that mental illnesses are just that – illnesses. Since there are more than 200 different mental disorders and varying degrees of severity, accurate diagnosis and specific treatment are essential. Today many treatment options are available, including medication, therapy, counselling, lifestyle changes, peer-on-peer support and in some cases, community and social services. So why are many people either unaware that their symptoms may be the result of a mental condition or avoiding seeking help?

Barriers to recovery

Despite extensive public education programs, new medications, growing resources, progressive mental health legislation and more open and frank discussions, misconceptions continue. Some of these include:

The good news is that millions of people with mental illness do reach out for help and support and thrive in their careers, have rewarding relationships, raise happy children and are active and respected members of their communities. The first step is an accurate diagnosis.

After a diagnosis

While the news that you have any medical condition may cause a wide range of emotions, including shock, denial, fear, guilt and sadness, you have an important role to play in your recovery. For example:

Finally, remember that you have a treatable medical disorder and that there are many people ready to support you. Mental illness does not have to stop you from living your life. If you’re seeking more information, are looking for resources in your area or want help, contact your confidential Employee and Family Assistance Program.

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