Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Does mid-life crisis exist?

We tend to make fun of the term mid-life crisis. However, decades of research show that most of us experience an emotional dip in midlife and that this is a normal part of the maturing process.

Looking back

Our 40s and 50s are a time when we become acutely aware of the passage of time. We question our past choices, dwell on failures and disappointments and ponder major life changes. We also experience physiological changes like hormonal drops (in both men and women) or other life events such as the death of a parent, divorce or children leaving home.

The good news is that this emotional dip doesn’t last and we usually come out the other end feeling better about ourselves and the future. But for many people it can be a painful – and costly – time.

Looking forward

Here are some ideas to help navigate more easily through midlife:

Midlife can be a really great time. We’re old enough to have acquired wisdom and perspective and young enough to get out and enjoy life. If you or someone you love is depressed or exhibiting concerning behaviours, contact us for support and resources or your family physician.

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