Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

New parent stress: know what to expect

Instead of having one of those cute, clean babies you see in commercials, you have a crying, endlessly dirty one. Your life has changed more than you’d ever imagined. You are hopelessly in love with your child, but will you ever have the energy to enjoy parenthood?mother is holding her new born child

It is normal to feel a little overwhelmed during the first few weeks. You will probably also feel very tired. Both will ease with time. However, if you are experiencing a troubling change in your couple relationship, severe depression or continued anger towards your spouse or baby, it is time to seek professional help. Meanwhile, here are some tips to help you through the first few weeks:

How is mom feeling?

How is dad feeling?

Sexual changes

Parent’s survival checklist

The early days of parenting can take a real toll on new moms and dads. Understand that this, too, shall pass. Your child won’t always be this needy, and you won’t always be this sleep-deprived. Try and rest when you can, don’t expect too much of yourself or your partner, and enjoy this time getting to know your new little one. If things really are too much to take, reach out to friends, family, or a professional counsellor for support.

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