Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Making the decision to relocate

The opportunity to relocate brings with it a flurry of emotions. Excitement at the possibilities and the adventure that could lie ahead, the chance to meet new friends, explore a new region or culture and perhaps even live in a new climate. However, you are also faced with a whole slew of important moving boxes

Will you be better or worse off financially? How will your partner and your children adjust? How will you adjust to living and working in a brand new culture? Will it be a positive or a negative experience? Let's look at some of the issues that need to be considered, along with strategies that can help you make the right decision for you and your family.

Tips and tools you can use

Both practical and emotional factors must be considered when approaching a decision about relocating. Some people simply aren't cut out for major lifestyle changes. Other practical factors like special needs children or extended family responsibilities may also impact your decision. Here are some tips to consider:


Reflection is a valuable first step. There are also services available such as career coaching or online assessments that can help with the decision process. First examine your skills and personality attributes, both work-related and general. Make a list, and include volunteer work, past accomplishments and personal and professional strengths in your assessment of your interests and talents.

Personal achievements can point to areas in which you enjoy success. Ask previous teachers, employers or colleagues for their assessments of your strengths.

A question of personality

Some people simply aren't made for relocation and this could include yourself or your partner. Reflect on your preferences and those of your partner with such considerations as:

Practical considerations

Even if your whole family is ready, willing and able to take on the challenges of relocation, many practical considerations should also play into your decision, including:

Making a decision that uproots your entire family from the way of life they know can be a challenge. A lot of personal reflection, research and communication will be needed, but will result in the decision that best serves the needs of the family.

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