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Gay and lesbian issues: considering separation

Gay and lesbian relationships are more or less as vulnerable to the stresses and incompatibilities as a straight couple, and sadly, a similar proportion of these relationships will at some point end up irretrievably broken.

Although a relationship breakdown inevitably brings pain, in many instances separation is the right solution. Although no one can promise a completely smooth or happy ride, with careful planning and co-operation, pain and problems can be reduced, if not totally avoided. Let's take a look at some valuable strategies you can use.

Facts to Consider

If there is one message to tell yourself over and over again, it is the importance of planning. When you prepare for the emotional and practical challenges you are likely to face during separation, you can make realistic plans and avoid being blind-sided by the unexpected; consider the following:

Record and Gather

A good deal of information is needed to process legal and financial matters. For example, you will need to prepare a financial statement to help determine financial arrangements. Collect and, where possible, make photocopies of legal documents such as property deeds. You may want to leave these in a safe or with your lawyer.

Other information such as contact names and payment schedules for utilities will help with rebuilding practical, everyday matters. You may find it useful to keep a binder or file of this information, along with copies of bills and related documents.

Checklist of Documents and Information to Gather

The following list of documents will help you both get a handle on what practical matters need to be dealt with:

Prepare Yourself Financially

Prior to separation:

Find Out Your Legal Position

If at all possible before you separate, try to have at least an initial consultation with a lawyer who is familiar with common-law or same-sex issues.

Separation is a difficult time both emotionally and practically. Before you take any irreversible steps, get the facts and find out where you stand. Knowledge and preparation will take a lot of the stress out of an already difficult time.

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