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Summer Activities for Stay-At-Home Kids

Summer is here. The air is warm, the flowers in full bloom, and parents everywhere are waiting to hear those dreaded words: “I’m bored.” 

What’s a mom or dad to do with sulking stay-at-home kids? Below are some key ingredients to help banish summer boredom from your home.

Be a tourist in your own neighbourhood. Explore historical buildings, museums and other places of interest in your area. Whether it’s a local dairy farm or a modern art gallery, touring your community is a great way for kids to discover the exciting world just outside their door.

Encourage budding gardeners. The garden may not seem like a hotbed of summer fun, but dig a little deeper and you’ll realize it contains all the ingredients for a good time: dirt, garden tools, flora, insects and more dirt. At the end of the day, your petunias may not look perfect, but your children will enjoy learning a little about plant life and a lot about top soil.

Feed book worms. Make regular visits to the public library. Even if your children aren’t avid readers yet, summer is an ideal time to get them hooked on books. Most libraries host children’s reading clubs, which reward kids every time they finish reading a book. 

Libraries also offer summer activities such as writing classes, story time and poetry readings for children.

Arrange weekly visits with friends. Summers can be lonely for stay-at-home kids because they miss socializing with school chums. Help your children stay in the social loop by hosting a friend once a week. You may even find that their friends’ parents—grateful for the break—will offer to return the favour. 

Nourish interests.
 If your child loves snapping pictures, why not look into a summer photography course. Is he or she a fish to water? Then investigate swimming programs. For a nominal fee, many community centres and schools allow kids to explore their interests and meet like-minded mates. Consult your local parks and recreation guide for more details.

With an ounce of planning, a touch of creativity and a splash of spontaneity you can help stay-at-home kids appreciate summer for what it really is. Give your children a chance to grow, learn and discover their true potential by planning a fun-filled summer at home—one that caters to their interests and provides unending excitement.
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