Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Parking your personal stress while at work

We owe it to ourselves, and to our families, to let go of the worries of work when we’re home and focus on spending quality time with our loved ones. Equally importantly, we need to recognize and honour our work commitments, by focusing our working hours on the job we are being paid to do. man working at desk

By learning how to park our stresses, we give ourselves a break and may actually reduce further stress as we focus on successfully managing the responsibilities of the moment. 

Tips and tools you can use 

The concept of “parking” worries, concerns or moods can be of great help when focusing on other matters. By “parking” them, you are making mental plans to go back to them later, but are giving yourself permission to temporarily move on to other aspects of life—here are some great tips that might help: 

How personal stress affects performance

The mood you bring with you can affect the way you communicate with others. When you are distracted by personal thoughts, your work is not receiving your full attention and is likely to suffer; consider the following examples:

Valuable strategies

If personal stresses threaten to rush back in during the day, here are a few suggestions you can try:

Creating a positive impression

It’s important to try and maintain a professional image and demeanour while at work. Wherever possible, try to practice the following:

It can be a struggle to juggle the challenges of work and personal life. Although it is often difficult to separate them, it is vital to try to create some distance between the two if either is to be the fulfilling and productive experience it can be.
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