Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

When is anger out of control?

Anger is an emotion, not a behaviour. It is a feeling we all experience. On occasion, anger can even be a positive emotion, producing the adrenaline required to protect ourselves or our loved ones against danger. More commonly, however, anger leads to negative behaviour, which is why most people try to control angry emotions.

When anger gets out of control, the results can be violence, emotional abuse or self-abuse. The longer-term consequences of anger are believed to contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and other stress-related diseases.

Learning how to identify when normal anger crosses this line and becomes a problem, is key to finding a solution. You have made a great start in taking this first step.

You may have anger issues that are out of control if you experience the following:

In children and teens, anger issues can show up as some of the following behaviours:

Out-of-control anger can have dangerous consequences. For more on how to keep your anger in check, and suggestions on how to get beyond feeling so angry, search for other articles with the term “anger” in this library. If you feel at all unsafe at any point, seek urgent outside intervention.

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