Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

How bullying can affect the entire family

Being bullied can cause emotional or behavioural changes that may lead to problems at home. However, increased awareness of the most common signs and symptoms can help reduce the difficulties experienced by families who are affected by and son having a serious conversation near piano

Given the possibility of these serious consequences of bullying, it is important for families to employ positive preventive strategies. It helps if there is open communication between everyone living in the home and if meaningful conversation is the norm. Children should feel free to candidly discuss their struggles with bullying; it is ideal if they can also view their parents as trusted friends. Meanwhile, adult partners should work to maintain a close bond that encourages honest conversation, even when the subject matter is difficult. People who enjoy mutually supportive relationships with their family members are more likely to confide in each other and seek help when life becomes difficult.

Children can also benefit from learning coping mechanisms. If children learn effective strategies for dealing with bullies and understand the importance of reporting such incidents, they will typically experience less emotional trauma in the event that a bully ever does attempt to victimize them.

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