Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Refreshing Your Role on the Job

Learning the ropes of a new job can be exciting or daunting, but it’s rarely boring. Once you’ve been at it for a while and the learning curve begins to wane, you may start to wish for more challenges. But you might want to consider giving your current position a little lift. Rather than starting from the ground up, why not spruce up a tired routine by giving your role at work a mini makeover? Chances are a few small changes will go a long way. 

Making the Most of Your Job

Refreshing your role on the job is about reinvigorating what you already have. By choosing this path, you can infuse your work with the same excitement and spirit you had when you started working at the company, without demolishing the foundation that you’ve built over time. It’s possible to regain the enthusiasm you once had, while also keeping the valued work relationships and hard-earned seniority you have achieved.

Taking Stock

Before you can realize your career goals, you need to honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses. What do you excel at and what skills are you lacking? Are you hoping to move into a management position or explore other avenues within the company? If so, consider the qualities, experience and education you need to get there. 

From upgrading your computer skills, to taking classes to work toward specialized accreditation in your industry, adult education sessions are usually a good place to start strengthening the foundations of your career path. Education can also help you feel more confident in your abilities and open your eyes to new ways of doing things. 

Finding a good mentor is another way to boost your skills. A mentor can help you identify and enhance your skill set and introduce you to career options within the company you may not have considered before. Mentors can also be a great sounding board to bounce your career path ideas off of. The investment of time and talents that a mentor provides can offer you an invaluable experience with lasting results. 

Weighing Your Options 

Remember, when considering your options, don’t limit yourself. Keep your thoughts positive and self-affirming. Replace confining statements such as, “I can’t do that,” with ones that take a more active approach like, “What skills I need to master to move up?” Negative thoughts may actually be the source of dissatisfaction keeping you from pursuing your dreams. Boost your confidence, lighten your attitude and support new skill development by:

Drawing Up the Blueprints

After recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, and weighing your options, it’s time to start laying out your plan. Setting goals is important to making progress. You can motivate yourself and maximize your opportunities for success by:

Reap the Rewards of Job Renewal

No matter where you are in your career, it’s important to take a step back regularly and assess the path you’re on. Knowing where your skills lie and how to improve them will help you reach your potential and attain job satisfaction. When you are prepared to succeed, you will be able to rise to new challenges when they happen, and face unexpected changes with skill, grace and ease. 

Refreshing your job is about exploring the potential in yourself and your organization. It means taking a proactive approach to change and renewal instead of leaving a hard-earned foundation behind. Taking ownership of your career will put you on a path that may at times be unexpected, but is ultimately more fulfilling.
© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.