Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Friend therapy

From childhood to old age, friends play a monumental role in our lives ─ and our health. Friendships help lower our blood pressure, maintain hormone function, bolster our immune systems, reduce inflammation, sustain cognitive function as we age and even help us live longer. Studies have shown that not having good friends is as bad for our long-term physical health as both obesity and smoking!

Friends are also essential to our mental health. They boost our self-confidence and self-esteem while helping us deal with everyday problems and traumatic events. Most of all, good friends make life more fun.

Talking things out

Talking to someone about how we’re feeling or what’s going on in our lives helps us clarify issues and gain different perspectives on situations. Mental health professionals have used “talk therapy” for decades to manage and overcome mental health issues or difficult life events. Psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors are invaluable resources when we’re facing tough situations, feeling overwhelmed or dealing with a mental illness. But in our daily lives, close friends offer another level of support that involves affection and shared experiences. Friends know our history, our strengths and weaknesses, our goals and our dreams. While not being professional therapists, they can be greatly therapeutic!

Technology has provided us with new kinds of friendships that can be just as beneficial – online relationships. These can also be a source of emotional support, advice and connection, especially for people with mobility issues or those living far away from family and long-time friends. The online world of social media, special interest sites and discussion groups allows us to connect with like-minded people anywhere and at any time.

How to be a good friend

If we want good friends, we have to be a good friend. There are certain characteristics that are essential in forging and cultivating any close, lasting relationship. These include:

For more information on making and developing friendships or accessing a mental health professional, contact your Employee and Family Assistance Program.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.