Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Personal resiliency in life and at work

Life just seems easier when you're in a good mood. You can cope with work and family issues more smoothly, achieve goals more effectively and face challenges with less stress and frustration.Coworkers Handfist

Although none of us can expect to feel this way 100 per cent of the time, you can experience deeper happiness in life by building your personal resiliency. The more resilient you are, the more we can bounce back from adversity and overcome challenges and change.

Research shows that a number of personal qualities build resiliency and lead to happiness, these include:

In the same way that you develop physical strength, you can build these inner strengths by exercising them regularly. Embrace new experiences and focus on positive outcomes. Believe in yourself and keep going. Take responsibility for your own happiness.

Workplace resiliency

Many people are concerned about job security and being resilient is perhaps most valuable in your professional life. None of us are bulletproof, it's true, but there are certainly some things you can do to help your odds. The qualities listed above are valuable both in private life and the workplace. They don't offer guarantees, but the more of them you embrace, the better equipped you'll be to tackle whatever challenges come along.

Remember that having a positive focus is one of the most important attributes in the workplace. Try to project an upbeat and enthusiastic attitude, no matter what the challenges. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you work toward building your value at work:

Career resiliency

If you know that your company is falling on hard times and budgets are being cut, staying positive and making yourself as valuable as possible is a great first step. It never hurts to be prepared and resilient in your field as well as in your workplace.

Positive energy and resiliency are contagious. This is the old principle of “like attracts like.” Good things happen to those who project good energy. It’s not always easy. Draw strength and support from your family and friends, and work on your inner strengths. This will ensure you become a valuable and sought-after friend, loved one and colleague, who is able to weather any storm.

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