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Fast career growth: guidelines for new employees

After weeks or possibly even months of job hunting, you’ve found yourself a junior position. Already, you’re impatient to move forward. Having just finished education or training it's easy to let a sense of entitlement seep in when daydreaming about that "perfect job."
woman shaking hands
But reaching your destination always requires a journey. How quickly you get there is up to you. 

By following these tips you can get your job—and your career—moving steadily in the right direction:

Watch and learn. As a new set of eyes, you offer a unique perspective and may have ideas that could move the company forward. However, sometimes processes go unchanged because they work. Learn why and how things work the way they do before you make suggestions for a change. Watch carefully, listen and learn.

Stay sincere. Insincerity can turn allies into enemies in an instant, so be genuine about getting to know people in your office. Most people are great talkers but could use a boost in the listening department. Set yourself apart by taking an honest interest in what others have to say.

Take a "do anything" approach. Unless you’re being asked to put yourself in harm's way, avoid a that-isn't-in-my-job-description attitude. Show your boss and co-workers you aren't above taking on less glamorous or exciting tasks. Offer help when you see a need and be the first one to compliment a job well done. Be the kind of person you'd like to work with and people will enjoy working with you.

Find a mentor. 
Take advantage of mentoring programs. If none exist, consider asking someone in a senior position whom you respect to be your guide and support. A mentor can offer you direction in your career and a wealth of wisdom when you need it most. A strong relationship with a mentor can provide you with new challenges, help you map out a career path and give you a better understanding of the work setting you're in.

Stay connected to your leader. Your relationship with your boss is one that merits special attention. As appropriate, let him or her know:

Moving onward and upward

When you feel ready to move up to the next level of responsibility, you may find it helpful to:

Record your achievements. Keep a file or a notebook where you record newly acquired skills, knowledge and experiences. Also keep track of your accomplishments, positive performance reviews, and verbal compliments from peers, customers and supervisors. By keeping track of these things as they happen, you document your ability to do the quality of work required in a higher-level position. 

Find role models. The next step in your pursuit of promotion is to identify role models in your company who hold positions you would want. Observe and ask questions.

Make a comparison. Working from job descriptions and interviews with people who have the jobs you would want, create a document that compares what you’ve done with the requirements of your "dream position." How will you plug any gaps? 

If you’ll find it helpful, write down and remind yourself often of some of the "golden rules" of getting ahead at work:

  • Generate positive attention
  • Network
  • Get involved in decision-making
  • Forward ideas and suggestions
  • Showcase skills
  • Manage stress
  • Reflect company goals
  • Implement a work ethic
  • Show a good attitude
  • Communicate and listen
The idea of "paying your dues" might make you cringe, but remember: most of the senior level people started exactly where you are now and proved they were up for the challenge. While you may have to swallow some pride, by focusing your energy on building credibility, you will help to earn respect and, hopefully, the position you aspire to.
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