Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Communicating at work

In today's business environment, effective communication skills are critical to success. The ability to communicate effectively was ranked one of the top personal characteristics that employers seek. This isn't surprising, given that the success of any organization today is largely dependent upon how effective communication is among its employees and the larger community that it serves. coworkers talking

Nevertheless, one of the most common complaints that employees have about their organization continues to be the lack of effective communication. Learning accurate, comprehensive and coherent communication skills can be a major factor in creating a smooth running workplace and can greatly enhance your relationships and potential for success. 

Tips and tools you can use 

Words make up only about 20 per cent of what you communicate. Understanding the importance of your body language and vocal tone is key to improving your communication skills. Here are some great tips to consider: 

Non-verbal messages

Improve delivery

Whether you’re interacting with your supervisor, colleague, supplier or customer; making your communication clear, direct and positive is key to making it effective. The more effective you are at communicating, the less likely it is that you will have to deal with any unnecessary miscommunications or errors—improving your ability to enhance your relationships and communication success.
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