Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Managing a team with different work styles

The fact that today’s workforce is the most ethnically, culturally and generationally diverse in history is a tremendous advantage for organizations competing in an increasingly global economy, however, it is also a challenge. While there is greater understanding about the impact of culture on working styles, many companies continue to struggle with generational issues. In a 2013 survey, 77 percent of managers cited different work expectations among generations as one of their major challenges.

The generational divide

Before the year 2000, most workplaces consisted of two age groups: those under 40 and those over 40. There were differences in attitude between younger and older employees but almost everyone had similar ways of working. That is no longer the case. Today, four, sometimes five, generations work side by side and managers oversee teams with many different talents, expectations, learning preferences, technical abilities, values, working styles – and especially ways of communicating.

The five age groups that can be found in many organizations are:

While each generation tends to share certain attributes, no two people will act the same way. Not every Boomer struggles with new technology and not every Millennial is a team player. It helps to understand generational differences but it’s more important to get to know individual needs and preferences.

Managing a multigenerational workforce

The key to managing multigenerational teams is flexibility and finding new ways of working. Here are some ideas to consider:

Finally, motivating and engaging different age groups begins and ends by creating fair and harmonious environments in which everyone can succeed. For more information on managing and nurturing employees at all stages of their career, contact your Employee and Family Assistance Program.

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