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Tips for successful car travel with kids

Travelling by car can be one of the best ways for a family to get out and about or take a vacation on a budget. However, if you don’t plan carefully, it can also be a stressful experience. Remember that great car trips don’t happen by accident, they take planning and preparation.

Involve your children in your plans

Talk about where you’re going. Read snippets from guidebooks and the internet. Borrow a video from the library. If you plan on stopping for food let the children pick the place. If you plan on picnicking, let the children help you choose and prepare what you’ll eat. Help young children understand the length of time that you’ll all be away. Instead of days, which little children find difficult to grasp, tell them how many "sleep times" or "bed times" the trip will last. Let each child choose a favourite toy or activity to add to the car.

What to take in the car

Take a first-aid bag, including both children’s and adult pain killers.

If you are taking a baby, pack bottles of formula in a cooler, with a re-freezable ice pack and a large towel and a plastic garbage bag to help with diaper changes along the way.

To avoid boredom

To avoid sticky messes

Get off to a good start

With a little preparation you can keep travel tensions to a minimum and ensure that your family continues to have fun on the open road!

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