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Helping to develop effective study habits in your child

The right study habits can make learning easier, improve marks and generally make school life more pleasant for your child. 

Although it’s never too late to begin, the very best time to help your child acquire good study habits is before he or she really needs them. A child who discovers the joy of learning early will never find schoolwork quite as tedious as the student who is forced into learning at home merely because the school demands it. 

Start Young 

Before your child reaches the homework years, begin to set aside a quiet area and a quiet time every afternoon or evening for reading, drawing and other learning opportunities.
Smart Homework Habits 

When your child begins to receive regular homework, establish a consistent routine including a set time for doing homework and a homework area.
Studying for Exams 

If your child is at an age where exams are part of his or her school curriculum, consider the following tips to encourage effective studying:
Special Notes for Teenagers 

Constantly reinforce the value of learning with your teenager. Point out that it remains valuable later in life even if the teenager doesn’t follow an academic path. 

Many teenagers have problems coping with the new challenge of multiple major assignments due each term, rather than nightly prescribed homework. Help your teenager organize and prioritize these assignments in advance. Buy a calendar and help him/her to organize a schedule—starting with the due date and working backwards with a realistic schedule/plan. 

Watch that your teen’s schedule is not overly packed with part-time employment or extra curricular activities. Reinforce the value of good eating and sleeping habits to help the brain function at its best. 

Establishing effective studying early on can help your child to embrace education in a more positive way. Consider the advice in this article to encourage learning and make the process more fun for your child. For additional advice and resources, consult with your child’s teachers and principal.
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