Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Life after retirement

couple is reading a magazine togetherRetirement isn’t what it used to be. North Americans can now expect to live 20, 30 or more years past the age of 65 and they have every intention of living those years to the fullest. They’re volunteering, mentoring, travelling, returning to school – and working. Studies show that 53 percent of Canadians and 31 percent of Americans will keep working in some capacity and many of those plan to start their own businesses when they “retire.”

Have you begun your plans for life after retirement?

Having the means

Perhaps the most important aspect of retirement planning is being financially ready.  Most financial experts agree that your retirement will be comfortable if:

Having a purpose

While financial security is great, it’s no guarantee you’ll be happy in retirement. It’s what you do with your time. Here are some tips on planning for your purpose:

So get ready. Today, retirement is not an end of a career but the beginning of new possibilities, opportunities and adventures. For more information about life after retirement, contact your Employee and Family Assistance Program.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.