Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Anxiety medications and you

Thankfully, according to medical professionals, anxiety is amongst the easiest of all conditions to cure. Behavioural therapy has proved very successful for many people. An increasing array of effective medications are also on the market. When used in conjunction with therapy, within a year of beginning treatment as many as 80 per cent of people suffering from anxiety are relieved of their symptoms.

Depression is a common accompanying symptom, in which case patients may be prescribed an anti-depressant in addition to anti-anxiety medication. Many sufferers are initially concerned about taking these medications and fear side-effects. But doctors advise not to let such concerns stand in the way of your recovery.

Why not give medication a try?

If your doctor recommends medication, he or she will prescribe a type that they think will work best for you, and should be there for you until, together, you find something that works for you. What have you got to lose by trying what they prescribe?

New medications are being discovered every day. Some offer fast, short-term relief while others take longer to have their full effect. Be sure to ask your doctor to thoroughly discuss the medication he or she is prescribing, along with potential side effects.

Common types of medication include:

Though many people suffer few or no side-effects, and many side effects diminish as your body adjusts, it’s important to be aware of possible side-effects of these medications.

Common side-effects can include:

Unless your side-effects are severe, it’s important to give your medication a fair trial. If you are experiencing unwanted side-effects, discuss them with your doctor.

As helpful as medications can be, for anxiety sufferers, they are almost always most successful when combined with behavioural therapy.

Reaching out for professional help can be the first and most important step towards resolving your anxiety issues.

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