Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Systems and processes to make work run smoothly

Are your schedules being met, or are you consistently missing deadlines? Are your products being produced more efficiently, or is rework a common practice? Is testing time being reduced, or is it taking longer? Are problems from the field decreasing, or are they on the rise?notepad and planner

Out-of-control projects abound at organizations worldwide. This can often be remedied by having adequate systems and procedures to deal with them. Remember though, that processes don't do the work; people do. The people that follow the systems and processes must be responsible for defining and implementing them. Integrating the employee into the process—and vice versa—is the first step toward making work run smoothly.

Tips and tools you can use

Good managers recognize problems, seize opportunities and build on success. When taking on projects, excellent managers empower their employees and oversee the plan to achieve a desired result.

Project management. Project management can be seen as a linked chain of measured achievements:

Good managers incorporate frequent, shorter-term goals that aid in motivating employees and measuring progress. All team members should participate in determining and setting milestones.

Establishing milestones provides:

Achieving systems and processes that allow work to run smoothly involves establishing standards of quality and success. Employees are more likely to maintain high quality work when they are part of a process that determines standards to be used. Quality benchmarks for staff can provide:

Having clear, understandable systems and processes in place makes achieving and measuring productivity easier. It is also beneficial to moral and worker confidence, as it includes clear goals and expectations that can be understood and achieved by working together.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.