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Setting your expectations in a new culture

Beginning a new job is stressful, but beginning a new job while adjusting to an unfamiliar culture can be daunting. Different ways of working and communicating, gender roles, beliefs, lifestyles, concepts of time and often complicated business and social etiquette can impede professional objectives and hinder acclimatization.

The success of any international assignment hinges not only on preparation – learning as much as possible about the country and culture you’re moving to – but also setting realistic, and achievable, expectations for yourself and your new work team.

Complexities of culture

It takes time to understand the nuances of a new culture and new organization but the expat manager needs to make a positive first impression and quickly instill confidence in employees, senior management, stakeholders and customers. Here are some ideas to help prepare and set realistic expectations for yourself and business colleagues:

Most importantly, be prepared to adapt your management style. What worked in your home country may not work in your new location. For more information on managing diverse teams or what to expect in a new location, contact us for support and resources.

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