Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.


Male checking his phone while sitting on the grass

As the first truly digital generation, Millennials often have trouble disconnecting from their smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices. As a result, they’re constantly bombarded with texts, tweets, emails, news feeds, notifications and alerts. Add to that the stresses caused by their high expectations, a precarious economy and an unpredictable world and it’s not surprising that they’re reporting record rates of depression and anxiety.

Social media and mental health

Social media gives our friends, family, and even strangers around the world a glimpse into our lives. We share what makes us laugh, voice our views, and create a community. However, social media also allows people to present edited or idealized versions of their lives. This can cause feelings of insecurity and inadequacy for many of us. We may feel our jobs are not as interesting, our relationships not as happy and fulfilling, and our social lives not as exciting.

The very community we create on social media can also have a negative effect on our mental health. Because we’re communicating with like-minded people we grow to expect positive feedback to our posts. Unfortunately, we have less control in the real world where relationships are complicated, work is stressful, and people often disagree with our views on life. Our popularity and acceptance online rarely spills over into real life.  

How can this stressed generation get help? Through social media and other technologies of course!

New tools for a new generation

Millennials have changed the way information is accessed and shared, and they’re changing the way mental health services and support is being delivered. The main ways they’re doing is with:

Because Millennials are more comfortable communicating digitally and are used to 24/7 access to information, they’ll continue to embrace new ways to access mental health information and support. The challenge for the health sector to keep up with them because Generation Stressed is here to stay.     

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