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Safety tips for parents of infants

Accidents in the home are one of the most common causes of accidental death for Canadian children.child holding onto the bed

Although you don’t want to become paranoid as a parent, you should ensure that all items purchased for your baby meet safety standards. You should also do a safety check in your home before your baby is born. Ensure that all required changes are made and all dangerous items are removed before baby arrives.

General safety

Begin by walking around your house. Check for hazards or unsafe places that a baby could get into. Also consider the following safety precautions, if you haven’t already:

Safe habits

Once you’ve arrived home with your new baby, you’ll want to begin a new routine involving safe habits, as you go about your day:

Specific areas of safety

You may think that baby furniture and baby supplies are made with a child’s best interest in mind. However, there can always be risk of injury. Consider the following safety precautions regarding your baby items:







With the arrival of a new baby, the planning and excitement may cause you to easily overlook some safety measures in your home. Be sure to consider the precautions outlined in this article to ensure your baby’s safety throughout its infancy and beyond.

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