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Fatherhood: what does it take?

Research has shown again and again that a father’s role is as important as a mother’s in raising healthy, compassionate and confident children. Just as women want to be the best mother possible, men want to be the best father they can be.“father

Children don’t come with manuals, and parents don’t magically know all the answers. If you feel somewhat overwhelmed by parenthood, you’re not alone. You’ll gain experience and confidence as you go along. The tips below aim to give you a little background as you aim to meet the most exciting, and rewarding, challenge of your life.

Tips and tools for dads

Fathers can have a huge impact on a child’s life. Research shows that men who play an active role in their children’s lives stimulate all aspects of development, even when those men don’t live in the same home as their children. Children with active dads:

Before the baby is born, soon-to-be fathers have many opportunities to support mom and learn more about parenting. Consider:

As baby and mom get settled at home, dad’s role can increase significantly. Not only will your active involvement provide enjoyment for you and the baby, it’s important to your relationship with your partner. Try to:

Life will change as your baby grows. Being involved in your child’s life can take many forms. The importance of a father’s influence on a child’s life cannot be overstated.

Being a father does not end with babyhood or young childhood. All through your child’s life, it is important that you express your acceptance and appreciation, as well as provide discipline and guidance.

Being a dad is clearly one of the most exciting, exhausting and rewarding challenges a man can face. By taking into account the tips above, you set the stage for a life-long relationship of support and caring between you and your son or daughter.

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