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Understanding breast cancer and breast cancer treatment options

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women, and the second leading cause of cancer death—exceeded only by lung cancer. In 1960, one in 20 women could expect to be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Today, that figure is one in nine.

Breast cancer is not exclusively a disease of women. For every 100 women with breast cancer, one male will develop the disease. The incidence of breast cancer is low in women under 30, although it is a much more aggressive disease in younger women. After 30, the numbers rise and then increase dramatically after the age of 50.

Half of all breast cancer is diagnosed in women over 65, indicating the necessity of yearly screening throughout a woman's life.

If you or a loved one is concerned about breast cancer, remember that it does not have to be the death sentence it once was. It's also worth remembering that early diagnosis can often stop the cancer in its tracks.

Risk factors

Things you can do

Signs to watch for

See your doctor if you notice any changes in your breasts or in the underarm areas, including lumps, thickening, nipple changes and nipple discharge. Be alert for skin changes or changing breast size. Pain is not normally an early breast cancer symptom.


Treatment options

Connect with your doctor or a professional for more information on breast cancer, ways to minimize your risks, treatment options and any other questions you may have about the disease. Education equals empowerment and will help you to deal with your concerns.

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