Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Managing a successful restructuring

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Most employees are able to remain flexible when new products, services or processes are introduced but struggle when a major organizational change, such as a restructuring or merger, is announced. Fear of the unknown makes everyone anxious but some people react with negative behaviours such as angry outbursts, apathy, negativity, lack of cooperation, resistance and even sabotage. Unless managed effectively, these behaviours can spread, damaging productivity and morale and hindering the transitional process.

Preparing for change

Dealing with the many emotions and behaviours that may arise as a result of a significant organizational change will be easier if you know how each person on your team is likely to react. However, the most important reactions to deal with are your own. You may not personally like or approve of the changes but employees need to see you being optimistic and focusing on the opportunities the change will bring. Any negativity on your part will increase employee resistance and further hurt morale and productivity. 

Managing change

Some major organizational changes, like restructurings, may have resulted in layoffs or job changes, so asking employees to embrace the process may not be realistic. However, you can help their teams cope and remain productive through the process with support and reassurance, openness and honesty, clarity and discussion. To do this, try the following:

Coping with change

Restructurings are extremely stressful for everyone, but especially for managers who are often caught between the needs of senior management and those of their team. It is therefore important for team leaders to find healthy ways to remain resilient. Try the following:

Lastly, stay positive. Focus on the advantages the change and transition could provide for both your and members of your team.

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