Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Am I becoming my parents?

Even if we have wonderful relationships with our parents, the thought of turning into them can strike fear in our hearts. But the older we get, the more we catch ourselves saying and doing things our parents said and did.

Early days

During early childhood, our brains become programmed by those caring for us – in most cases, our parents. Through them we learn how to interact with the world. As our brains develop, neuropathways are formed – pathways we automatically take in certain situations. This is why we catch ourselves sounding like our mothers or acting like our fathers – which is great if we’re mirroring positive traits, not so great if they’re negative ones.

Forging new paths

It is possible to change negative or destructive behaviours we learned as children. Here are some ways to begin forging a new path in life:

If you feel completely helpless in identifying and changing your own behaviour, consider seeking professional help. Contact us for more information.
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