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Finding a tutor for your child

Tutors can help children in a wide variety of areas, including general special needs, remedial help, catch-up tuition in specific academic subjects, advanced coaching for gifted students or examination needs. young boy doing homework at the table

Your child’s specific needs will help to determine the right tutor. Broadly speaking, tuition is available through the following options:

Tips on how to find a tutor

Once you have identified your child’s tuition needs, you may want to review several of the available options.

Your child’s school may be able to recommend current or retired teachers who offer private tuition services. You may also be able to get a recommendation from the school or from other parents for commercial agencies or learning centres.

Depending on the tuition option that you choose for your child, here are some questions that you should ask regarding the services they offer:

Private tutors

Commercial agencies

Commercial learning centres 

Choosing a tutor for your child is an important decision for his or her education. Consider speaking with parents of your child’s classmates to get an idea of which services work best for them. And, most importantly, be sure to involve your child in the selection process to ensure the best choice for him or her.
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