Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Helping your child stay physically and emotionally fit

Video games, DVDs, Internet: these days kids have more and more ways to have fun while moving less and less. In fact one study concludes that children, on average, are 40 per cent less physically active than they were just three decades ago. little boy smiling while spinning around on the playground outsideTechnology is one of the major culprits as children spend about 26 hours a week watching TV. And that doesn’t account for computer or video game time.

It’s no secret that kids are starting to pay a heavy price for inactivity. Nearly a quarter of all children in North America are now obese. But inactivity and obesity can also take a huge toll on a child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being.

The facts on children’s fitness

As medical findings on physical activity continue to pour out, it seems clear that exercise not only makes our kids healthier but happier too. Regular physical activity helps kids:

Getting kids moving

Prying the remote or joystick from the hands of kids often poses a challenge for parents. You can help your kids go from lethargic to lively by:

Though the temptations of technology can make it a struggle to keep kids moving and motivated, it’s more than possible. By providing children with ample opportunities to exercise, being an active role model and limiting "down time," you’ll not only help your child build a healthy body and mind, but memories of fun childhood play that will last a lifetime.

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