Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

How to support your team through mental health challenges

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. For North American businesses, mental health issues (particularly depression and anxiety) are costing billions of dollars annually in lost productivity and those costs are rising rapidly. Supporting the psychological health of employees has become a business priority for organizations in every sector.

Supporting workplace mental health

Every workplace is different, but a psychologically healthy workplace has the following features:

Supporting employees

As a manager, you play a significant role in creating and maintaining a psychologically safe workplace. Here are few strategies to keep in mind:

Having a conversation about mental health

Discussing performance or behavioural issues with employees is never easy. Here are some tips to get a conversation started:

It’s a good idea to take notes about the conversation and seek advice or guidance from Human Resources as needed. Contact us for more resources to help you better support the mental health of your team.

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