Your Employee Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Friendships and Your Well-Being

Friendships contribute to our sense of emotional well-being and overall good health. During hardships and trauma, good friends can be a source of comfort and strength to get you back on your feet.

How Your Health Benefits

Getting together with friends, even for just a short while, offers a powerful connection. This can increase your sense of belonging, self-esteem and drive, and can also act as a boost to your mental health.

Setting Healthy Examples

Spending time with healthy friends can increase your likelihood of staying healthy as well. Here are some ways that you and your friends can share a healthy lifestyle:

Providing Support

Having close relations with your friends can also provide a sense of comfort in times of need. Close friends will offer compassion and support, and you can also take comfort in knowing that your friends count on you for the same level of support. Here are some ways to maintain your support levels among friends:

Social Benefits

Without close friends in our lives, we would lack social development and the personality needed to succeed in a communication-driven world. Here are some ways that having close friends can foster your sociability:

Having close friendships is about much more than late-night parties and cross-country road trips. Having reliable friends can help to develop your sociability and keep you in good health. Amid your busy schedule, be sure to make time for your friends, even if it means just going out for coffee once in a while to catch up. Having friends close by can give you comfort in a troubling time, and will provide you with a support network to get you through any rough patches in your life.

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