Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Helping your organization with learning and development

•Workplace Learning Solutions•Workshops•Workplace Investigations•Coaching

The topics of anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion have been dominating the traditional media and social media due to protests against police brutality and systemic racism that started in the United States and have garnered international support. These are important topics, and LifeWorks can help support teams across your organization.

Workplace Learning Solutions

Workplace learning not only develops the skills of people leaders and employees, but can reinforce organizational policies and practices to create a safe and healthy environment for all. Our Workplace Learning Consultants are here to listen and collaborate with you to find the solution that best suits your workplace needs and objectives.


Anti-Racism and Allyship
Everyone plays a part in disrupting/dismantling/interrupting racism. This workshop will help employees understand racism against black people, indigenous people, and people of color with particular focus on people of African ancestry. The workshop will deconstruct racism, explain how it shows up in teams, workplace, client interactions, and in the community. It will also explore the contributing factors such as stereotypes, unconscious bias, micro aggression, degree of separation, and the implications and impacts of racism from a legal, moral, and business standpoint. The workshop will include steps to open conversations on race and address racism at a micro level: Educate, Accept, and Execute. Finally, it will include a framework for Allyship, from denial and bystander to an active supporter.

Prior to attending the workshop, participants will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT) prepared by Harvard University that will help identify one’s unconscious bias against a number of factors.

Please see the PDF below for more information about this workshop.

Anti-Racism and Inclusive Leadership
Leaders and those with power and privilege play a hugely instrumental role in addressing racism at the “workplace,” “client space,” and in the larger community. This workshop will focus on inclusive leadership in this difficult time to address racism against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) with particular focus on people of African ancestry.

It will cover the following:

  • Factors that contribute to racism such as stereotypes, unconscious bias, microaggression, degree of separation, power, and privilege
  • Implication of racism from a legal, moral, and business perspective
  • The four-stage process to foster inclusive leadership: Educate, Accept, Support, Evaluate
  • Framework for courageous conversations about race including the trauma associated with the current crisis and an approach to move from a bystander to a champion

Please see the PDF below for more information about this workshop.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
The workshop will discuss the different forms of discrimination in modern times based on research, data, and insights. The module will cover inclusion, culture of belonging, exclusion vs inclusion, equality vs equitability, unconscious bias, and stereotype, and will help participants understand “why you should care” (based on McKinsey’s global research on diversity and inclusion). It will also help the participants understand the business, moral, and legal case for diversity and inclusion.

Finally, the workshop will focus on steps to bring change at an individual level:

  1. Awareness
  2. Openness and Fairness
  3. Speak Up
  4. Check your assumptions
  5. Respect differences

Please see the PDF below for more information about this workshop.

Workplace Investigations

Human rights and other violations are extremely delicate to handle, and require discretion and expertise to investigate. Organizations are required to investigate any complaint in an attempt to uncover what has occurred. Our investigations provide an unbiased, independent consultant to assist in determining if allegations of human rights violations (harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.) brought forward by a complainant are factual according to policy and legislation. Learn more here.


Whether initiated for career advancement, or to address performance issues, coaching is a process that can help to develop the coachee’s potential. Coaching sessions are dedicated to supporting the coachee in clarifying and pursuing objectives that develop skill towards achieving behavioural change through a process that encourages exploration, reflection, goal, and action. Learn more here.

Visit our Workplace Learning Solutions website to learn more or to request Workplace Learning Solutions.

Diversity and Inclusion: Helping your organization with learning and development

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