Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Independent Living

Many elders want to continue living independently in their own homes but need some level of assistance. Independent living can work well for all concerned, once appropriate support has been defined and put in place. 

Determining What is Needed for Independent Living 

Although it may be clear that the older people in your life need some assistance, it's important not to make hasty assumptions. Talk with them about their needs, while understanding that they may be reluctant to admit the need for help. Make it clear that you will respect and support their choices. 

Listen to the older person's ideas. He or she will know where the real difficulties lie and may be able to tell you what is needed. Ask about specific current or potential challenges. For example:

Be patient and positive. Support the older adult's desire for independence. Avoid criticism if some ideas are rejected. Remember it can take time for an older adult to accept help. 

Check for home safety.
 Reduced vision, hearing and mobility can all affect an older adult's safety in the home and outside. Involve the older adult in checking for potential dangers. Discuss what can be done to increase safety. 



Assisting with assistive devices. Depending on the level of need, a health provider may recommend the use of assistive devices or suggest changes or minor renovations to the home. These may range from ramps and lifts to wheelchairs, walkers and scooters, kitchen or bathroom accessories and simple personal care tools such as dressing sticks and shoe horns. Prepare for emergencies. Making plans for emergencies can give everyone involved greater peace of mind.

Though the stages of aging can bring some difficult moments, by understanding what you and your elderly relative are experiencing, and some of the options for supporting them to continue to live independently, you are helping them grow old gracefully. By maintaining a relationship of clear and open communication, keeping an eye out for your aging relative’s safety, and supporting them in their choices as best you can, you make it possible for them to maintain their independence and safety as long as possible.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.