Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Understanding and Addressing Gambling Addiction

All addictions can be hard on the pocketbook, either through money spent to feed the habit or by getting in the way of keeping a job. The cost of gambling addiction, however, is unequalled in the potential financial havoc that it can create. 

Many problem gamblers succeed in hiding or denying the extent of their addiction until the damage—sometimes including losing your home, job or even family—has been done. 

If you or a loved one are wrestling with addiction, recognize that seeking help is the first step to a better tomorrow. And now is the perfect time to begin. 

Warning Signs 

While many people gamble occasionally through lotteries or casino nights, there are a few telltale signs of problem gambling. These include:

Recognition that gambling has crossed this line and spun out of control is the first stage in treatment. It is also often the most difficult to accept. Here are some other tips to help you understand the condition and find solutions:

Recognize that compulsive gambling can lead to:

Factors contributing to compulsive gambling include:

Help for Problem Gamblers 

Many gambling addicts enter treatment reluctantly. The first step is acknowledging the addiction. Comprehensive treatment programs are available as well as support groups for both gamblers and their families. Medications may also be recommended. 

Ask your doctor to recommend appropriate treatment. For urgent help, call your local distress centre or crisis line.
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