Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Understanding and improving your quality of life

The decisions we make every day, including big ones like where we live and work, and how much time we spend with family and friends have a big effect on what we call our quality of smiling

For some people, being able to walk or cycle to work or to the corner store is key to their quality of life. For others, having a high-end car or being able to take annual vacations abroad is their quality of life indicator.

In broad terms, quality of life pertains to the way in which people experience satisfaction with their life situation. People who perceive themselves as having a high quality of life tend to believe they are actualizing their potential, achieving their goals and satisfying their basic needs. People who perceive themselves as having a low quality of life see a discrepancy between what they want and what they currently experience.

Where we’re happiest

According to a recent survey, as Canadians, we’re happiest with our family and personal lives, and least happy with our household financial situation. Our jobs, health and overall standard of living fall somewhere in between.

Tips and tools you can use

To understand quality of life, it’s important to understand what you have (e.g., financial security, quality relationships, self-knowledge, etc.) and how you feel about yourself in relation to your expectations. Two people may have identical life situations while one feels satisfied and the other does not. It is the perception of satisfaction that determines your quality of life. Research suggests:

To help improve your quality of life, consider the following:

Though few people are fully satisfied with their life all the time, by taking steps to think about what matters to you, and then putting your values into action, your are bound to increase your enjoyment of life and your quality of life.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.