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Ringing in a balanced New Year

The new year is a great time to reflect on how you can bring more balance into your life. Here are some tips that can help in your day-to-day quest for balance:

Review. Sit down with yourself or your partner to look at your life objectively. Identify where balance is currently a problem, and brainstorm some solutions. 

Examine. What are your goals? Are you getting what you want and need out of your career? Family life? Leisure time? Make a “lifestyle wish list,” and then work out what you need to do to get there. 

Act. Start with small goals that can lead to bigger ones. A night course every few months can lead to the degree you've always wanted. Reading a book on nutrition today can lead to better health in six months. Searching for a new babysitter now can lead to more time for yourself or your relationship every month.

Plan. Before you go to bed, plan your morning routine. Before you leave work, plan your next workday's priorities. Before you go shopping, plan your weekly meals. Remember, people don't plan to fail—they fail to plan! 

Relax. Build in time for yourself, your friends and family. Set out to mindfully keep stress from building up. Adopt good habits and new attitudes. Breathe deeply, eat well and exercise, don't sweat the small stuff, keep an open mind, give unto others, be proud of your accomplishments, and make every day count. 

Keep It Secret or Share? 

Decide what works best for you. Is it better to tell everyone about the resolutions you're planning to make or will it be easier for you to keep it personal? If you choose not to share your plans with others, it doesn't mean you have to do it alone—it just means you prefer to get the support you need from outside your circle. Some people find keeping it to themselves a strengthening experience. Others feel sharing their goals helps reinforce them. Give it some thought to help plan for your personal success. 

The new year can be the perfect time to resolve to make some changes in your life. Whatever the challenge, be sure you are prepared, positive and realistic.
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