Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Building resiliency for the year ahead

Female doing yoga

The New Year is a great time for a fresh start and for many of us that means making resolutions to lead healthier lives. However, keeping those resolutions can be challenging. This year, try something different. Concentrate on building resilience – the ability to calmly deal with difficult situations and recover from setbacks. By doing so, you’ll not only be healthier but ready to deal with anything life throws your way. And it only takes a few small adjustments in your day to day life to get started.

Feeding your body

A nutritious diet is the key to good physical health. But it’s also the key to regulating our moods, enhancing mental clarity, and coping with stress. Fortunately, it’s not hard to improve your diet. Try these tips:

Feeding your mind

Again, a few adjustments can make a big difference to helping you mentally weather life’s storms.

With just a few small adjustments to your life, you can help your mind and body prepare for all the excitement and challenges the year ahead has in store! 

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