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How parenting styles affect childhood development

A Statistics Canada study of 20,000 Canadian families found that children who did not have good interaction with their parents were twice as likely to have persistent behavioural problems as children who did have good interactions. parents sitting with their child outdoors on grass

Positive and consistent parenting helps your kids to be well-adjusted, happy and to succeed in life. With so much to be gained, let’s take a look at some of the strategies we can adopt to encourage this vital positive interaction with our children.

Some Great Parenting Tips for Children of Different Ages 

Children Under Five

Children Between the Ages of 6-11 


The focused attention we give our children is more important than the time we are able to spend with them. Try to live “in the moment” and give your children the benefit of some unhurried time with you, rather than filling your lives with too many activities. Though no one can be a super-parent, by following some of the basics outlined above, you help to give your child every advantage.
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