Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Being there for your teenager

The adolescent years are tough on everyone—parents and teens alike. Through trial and error our sons and daughters seek their independence. And similarly, we gradually learn to let go as parents.

Tips and tools you can use

You help your teen mature when love and trust are the basis of your relationship. A positive attitude and realistic expectations are important. Believe in your teen, but accept that mistakes will sometimes happen.

Teens are faced with many new issues. Some of these include:

Opening doors

The trials of parenting a teenager can make it seem like someone else is suddenly replacing your little boy or girl. Indeed, this is the time when they are developing into their own person. Their relationship with their parents, however, is still the most influential in their lives. Try to understand the trials and issues they face and give them some space to strike out on their own. Make yourself available and open in a non-judgmental, loving way where you can still maintain trust and preserve closeness in their teenage years.

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