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Maintaining friendships on a busy schedule

Young people often maintain many friendships through high school and college. As we get older, however, friendships often become casualties in our battle to juggle demanding family and work responsibilities. friends catching up over coffee

This can be a serious loss since strong friendships take time to build and play an important role in our emotional well-being. Try to view friendships as a priority and seek opportunities to maintain and nourish these vital relationships. 

Schedule time for friendships. If taken for granted, friendships will eventually fade. Be sure to make time for the important friends in your life by:

Schedule activities together. Even the busiest schedule can make room for time with friends. If there is really no blank space on the day planner pages, try the following:

Stay connected. Even when you can’t be with friends in body, let them know you are still thinking of them.

Plan special breaks. 
If a weekly or monthly visit isn’t working, try making a real event of it.

Be a friend in need. Never are friends more needed than in times of difficulty. Whether you see each other daily or yearly, be there when you are most needed.

Friendships are some of the most fulfilling relationships we will have in life. As it turns out, they are critical to our health and well-being as well as our enjoyment of life. Make time in any way possible to keep these critical connections alive.
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