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Relationships in a digital world

female is using her laptop
Technology has changed the way we communicate. Texting, emails, video calls, and especially social media have, have become the new norms, replacing telephones and face-to-face conversations. These digital means of communication have also changed the way we develop and maintain relationships.

Just 20 years ago, most of us had a handful of close friends and a larger circle of acquaintances (neighbours, coworkers, business associates etc.). Today, that circle is even larger, with hundreds of virtual friends through social media and digital connections.

While digital technology has tremendous benefits, it can also hamper our ability to establish and maintain relationships in the real world.

Advantages of relationships in the digital world

The downside of relationships in the digital world

As more people are choosing screen-to-screen relationships over face-to-face ones, so more are finding the complexities and nuances of real life interactions increasingly difficult. In fact, electronic devices and the online world can be barriers to how we interact in the real world and actually inhibit the development of deep, meaningful and lasting relationships.. Online “friends” or “followers” rarely know us well or care deeply about our well-being. They can’t replace real-life confidants and loved ones.

The digital world also allows us to present an edited or idealized version of ourselves or only communicate what we want people to know. No one sees and hears our less than perfect moments.

Keeping digital relationships real

While the digital world allows us to stay in touch with old friends, share your interests with new friends, and increase your professional network it’s important to continue developing and nurturing relationships in the real world. The secret is balance. Try the following tips:

The digital world can, if used properly, enhance your real-world relationships – for example Skype allows far flung family and friends to speak face-to-face and social media platforms provide a means to share updates, news, photographs and videos. However, online relationships cannot replace real-world interactions that contribute to the development of deep, meaningful and lasting relationships. It’s important to find a balance.

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