Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Working through layoffs at your workplace

Surviving a round of layoffs brings many challenges. Those employees who remain often find themselves part of a shrinking labour force, coping with the extra workload of their departed colleagues. Morale is often low and insecurity levels are high. 

Layoffs are tough on everyone, including your boss. By demonstrating an understanding of the business realities behind the downsizing and expressing your desire to do whatever is necessary to help get things back on track, can make a tough situation better for your colleagues and your boss. 

Some approaches to consider during these situations may include: 

Stepping up communication

Showing the right attitude


Career protection

The fact that you are still around means that you are considered a valuable employee. There may also be new opportunities for you to expand your skills as you take on more responsibilities in your current position. 

In times of economic volatility, it can feel like no one’s job is safe. This is never truer than when colleagues suffer layoffs. Try to regard these unfortunate circumstances as an opportunity to help your colleagues and your company, as well as to broaden your own skills and protect your best interests.
© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.