Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Teens and violence

As a parent, one of your primary roles has always been to make sure your child is safe, secure and protected from harm. It can therefore be extremely difficult to be comfortable seeing your son or daughter grow up in a world full of gang warfare, beatings and worse.serious male teenager staring at camera

In such a society, our best defence as parents is to become informed and alert along with our teens, and to keep the lines of communication about violence open.

Some thoughts about violence

Recognizing the signs

If your teen was the victim of bullying as a child, you should be particularly alert for the following signs that may suggest violence is occurring:

What parents can do

When violence is suspected

Violence—whether in the schoolyard, neighbourhood, at work or at home—is intolerable. If you suspect that your child is a perpetrator of violence, or is the victim of violence, discuss it with them now, and take action to put an end to the violence. Make sure that they know that you are there for them, and support them in re-building their self-confidence. Together, you can break free of the cycle of violence, and contribute to the development of a confident, caring young adult and a healthier society.

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