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Staying in touch with work while on parental leave

While at home on parental leave, it’s easy to become so immersed in caring for your new baby that work becomes a distant memory. But there may also be times when your new job as a parent feels overwhelming and you miss the "grown-up" interaction, news and pace of the holding baby on the phone

Whether you plan to be home for a couple of months or a year, staying in touch with work can be a good idea for your self-confidence and for your career. Here are some ideas to keep you in the loop at work:

Plan to stay in touch

There is a lot to prepare for before your parental leave, but try to find time to discuss how you can keep in touch with your supervisor and colleagues while you are away. Here are some tips to consider as you plan for your parental leave:

Keeping in contact

Once on parental leave, you'll have to judge how much and how often you'd like to connect with work. Here are some suggestions to think about:

Keeping current

As well as maintaining inter-personal relationships, keeping abreast of developments in your field will serve you well when you are ready to return to work. As best you’re able:

Making the transition back to work

A few weeks before you return, plan to meet with your supervisor to discuss your transition back into your job. Find out what meetings and conference calls are planned just prior to your return and suggest that you are interested in attending to ensure that you are up to speed. Ask ahead of time for pertinent meeting notes, client briefings, sales reports, etc.

Even parents who feel entirely fulfilled with their new role as a mother or father can feel a little isolated if the only adults they see are other parents at the park. Keeping in touch with some of your colleagues, a supervisor or other professional contacts can help you maintain both your industry knowledge and self-confidence.

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