Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Gay and lesbian issues: "coming out"

As a gay or lesbian person, you may have been keeping part of your life secret from many people for a considerable period. This can be very stressful and can create barriers between you and some of the people you love, but have chosen to keep in the dark. As a result, many gay and lesbians eventually reach a point when they want to reveal this important part of themselves to other people. In other words, they decide to “come out.”

If you have arrived at this stage yourself, you are probably feeling considerable trepidation at how to go about it. Who will you tell? How will you tell them? How will they react? Remember that you are not alone. There is a lot of support waiting for you, and all you have to do is reach out for it.

Tips and Tools You Can Use

Keep in mind that “coming out” is a very personal decision and should be yours and yours alone. Don't “come out” because your friends want you to, or even because your partner wants you to. In some instances, or for some people, it isn't the right choice. “Come out” only because you want to and are comfortable and ready to share this part of your life with others.

Although the emotional rewards of “coming out” can be considerable, you will inevitably also face challenges—don't go into the process with your eyes closed! Think about the possible issues in advance, and you will be in good shape to strategize a smooth and successful transition into this new stage of your life.

Here are some positive and negative issues to consider:



Are You Ready to "Come Out"?

Although many of the challenges are similar, some different issues do arise at different ages or stages in life.

"Coming out" as a teen

"Coming out" as an adult

Tips on "Coming Out" to Parents

Don't just announce the news on the spur of the moment; your news will be much better received if you plan a strategy first.

When considering the decision to “come out,” remember that this sensitive topic can be easier for others to understand and accept if you plan a strategy before discussing your view with them.

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