Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Mental illness and your child

Most parents breathe a sigh of relief when the doctor delivers their newborn baby along with the status of excellent health. 
As the baby grows and develops, through childhood and into adolescence, their child may develop some behaviours indicative of a mental disorder or illness.

The Reach Institute's Action Signs Project has identified warning signs that warrant professional input and possible help. These include:

Parents who notice any of these behaviours need to pay attention and act, not minimize or ignore them. If you are among those parents facing this type of challenge, the first step is to try to have an honest discussion with your child, in as open and non-judgmental manner as possible, noting what you have observed and expressing concern for their well-being. If you still believe there may be a mental disorder, or if you are not sure, here are further steps to consider.

What's next?


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